吴钊峰 教授 |
吴钊峰,男,河南项城人,1983年9月生人,中共党员,工学博士(博士后),博士生导师,教授,新疆固态物理与器件自治区重点实验室副主任,“半导体物理与微纳器件”天山创新团队负责人,副经理。主持国家自然科学基金2项,自治区杰出青年科学基金、厅厅联动课题等省部级科研项目8项,省部级教研项目2项,横向项目5项,在 Adv. Funct. Mater、J. Mater. Chem. A、Chem. Eng. J 、Carbon、Nano Research、Sensor. actuat. B、ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.、Compos. Sci. Technol.、Cellulose等期刊发表SCI论文60多篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI文章40多篇,授权发明专利8项(转化3项),入选中科院“西部青年学者”、自治区“天山雪松青年拔尖人才”和“天山英才”人才项目,担任新疆物理学会理事、中国材料研究学会材料分析表征分会理事、《稀有金属》青年编委以及10多种SCI期刊审稿人。 电话:13609974185,Email:wuzf@xju.edu.cn
主要学习和工作经历 |
2003.9--2007.7 新疆师范大学物理系,理学学士; |
2007.9--2008.7 新疆医科大学工程技术学院,实验员; |
2009.9--2014.6 硕博连读于中科院固体物理研究所,博士研究生; |
2014.6--2016.6 中科院新疆理技术研究所,博士后、助研; |
2016.7--2017.12 永利集团物理与科学技术学院,教师; |
2018.1—2022.12 永利集团物理与科学技术学院,副教授; |
2022.12--至今 永利集团物理与科学技术学院,教授。 |
主要授课内容 |
[1]本科生课程:《材料物理》和《大学物理》等; |
[2]研究生课程:《工程伦理》和《前沿讲座》等。 |
主要研究方向 |
[1]有机/无机纳米复合功能材料研究; |
[2]生物质碳材料的制备及其气敏传感性能研究; |
[3]固体废弃物的无害化处理及其资源化利用研究。 |
主持及参与的科研项目 |
[1]半导体物理与微纳器件天山创新团队,自治区“天山创新团队计划”(2023D14001),2023.8.1-2025.7.31,50万,主持人; |
[2]城市、农村有机固废综合资源化利用堆肥技术在土壤改良和碳中和的应用,自治区自然科学基金重点项目(2022B02051),2022.10.14-2025.12.10,子课题,51万,主持人; |
[3]生物嗅觉启发的BCMs创制及其气敏构效关系研究,自治区自杰出青年科学基金项目(2022D01E37),2022.12.16-2025.12.15,50万,主持人; |
[4]COFs基仿生结构柔性爆炸物传感器的构效关系研究,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目(21964016),2020.1.1-2023.12.31,40万,主持人; |
[5]基于阵列式传感器的非制式炸药抗干扰检测研究, 中科院西部之光项目(2015-XBQN-B-12),2015.9月-2019.8,40万,主持人; |
[6]面向无机炸药痕量检测的ZnS量子点气敏性能的掺杂调控及机理研究,国家自然科学基金(51502336),2016.1-2018.12,25.2万,主持人; |
[7]棉花基碳纤维电子鼻的研发及其构效关系研究,新疆教育厅科学基金(XJEDU2020Y004),2020.1-2021.12,8万,主持人; |
[8]面向臭氧及其前体物检测的柔性传感器构效关系研究,自治区自然科学基金(2019D01C019),2019.5.1-2022.4.30 ,7万,主持人; |
[9]复合纤维基柔性传感器的制备及其气敏性能研究,博士后面上基金(2017M613255),2017.5-2019.2,5万,主持人; |
[10]CdSe量子点的功能化修饰及其在爆炸物检测中的基础应用研究,新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2015211B033),2015.1-2017.12,5万,主持人; |
[11]ZnS量子点气敏性能的调控及在爆炸物检测中的应用研究,博士后面上基金(2015M572629),2015.9-2016.6,5万; |
[12]“天池博士”人才类项目,2017.1-2019.12,10万,主持人; |
[13]化学电阻型柔性气敏传感器的构效关系研究,“天山雪松计划”人才类项目(2017XS15),2018.08.01-2019.12.31,10万,主持人; |
[14]面向易燃易爆危险品检测的传感器研发,南京多萝西信息科技有限公司,2020.01.01-2020.12.31,15万,主持人; |
[15]集成微纳表面等离子体共振光学芯片研制,中国人民解放军军事科学院防化研究院,2020.01.01-2020.06.30,5万,主持人; |
[16]棉基碳材料的可控制备及其气敏性能研究,贵州灵智创科技有限公司,2021.01.01-2021.06.30,10万,主持人; |
[17]纤维基柔性传感器在臭氧检测中的构效关系研究,永利集团博时启动基金,2017.04.01-2019.03.31,10万,主持人; |
[18]碳纳米管@多酸/共轭聚合物纳米线阵列光电肖特基结及其毒品敏感机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(21804078),2019.1.1-2021.12.31,25万,第2参与人; |
[19]面向硝基爆炸物的多孔硅基传感器的构效关系研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目(61864011),2019.1.1-2022.12.31,39万,第2参与人; |
[20]生化传感柔性电极芯片研发,中国人民解放军63975部队,2022.07.18-2022.11.18,8.6万,主持人; |
[21]气敏传感材料的物性表征和技术咨询,新疆工程学院,2022.02.1-2022.5.1,6万,主持人。 |
主持的教研项目 |
[1]大学物理课程思政案例库建设及其在文化润疆中的作用研究,教育部高等学校教学研究项目(DWJZW202115xb),2021.8-2023.8,主持; |
[2]新工科背景下材料科学与工程专业课程思政建设及其在文化润疆中的作用研究,教育部产学合作协同育人项目(20210130700),2021.8-2023.8,主持。 |
近年发表的科研论文(加*为通讯作者) |
[47] Weiyu Zhang, Weijin Wang, Shiwei Liu, Ning Tian*, Qihua Sun*, Zhaofeng Wu*. Highly sensitive detection toward aniline vapor promoted by heterojunction between covalent organic frameworks and biocarbon.Applied Surface Science, 649, 159114, (2024). |
2023年 |
[46] Liu, Shiwei, Guojie Zhang, Weiyu Zhang, Ning Tian*, Qihua Sun*, and Zhaofeng Wu*. High-Performance Ethylene Glycol Sensor Based on Imine Covalent Organic Frameworks. Nanomaterials, 13, 24: 3103(2023) |
[45] Zhong-Yuan Wang, Han-Qi Ye, Kai-Feng Wang, Fangping Ouyang*, Zhaofeng Wu*, and Chuan-Jia Tong*. Superior Photovoltaic Performance of BF4-doped Perovskite Rationalized by Ab Initio Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics. Applied Physics Letters, 123, 183904 (2023). |
[44]吴钊峰,沈超,孙启花,翟鑫旺,王重远,张炜钰 & 段海明.(2023).生物质碳材料的制备与若干应用研究新进展. 北京工业大学学报(11),1-19. |
[43]王龙,周庆萍,吴钊峰,张延铭,叶小我 & 陈长鑫.(2023). 基于碳纳米管的光伏电池. 化学进展(03), 421-432. |
[42]吴钊峰, 沈超, 张炜钰, 王龙, 张宇智 & 段海明. (2023).棉纤维在气敏传感领域的应用研究. 永利集团学报(自然科学版)(中英文)(02),191-195. |
[41] Yuzhi Zhang, Zhaofeng Wu*, Jun Sun, Qihua Sun, Fengjuan Chen, Lixiang Liu, Min Zhang*, Haiming Duan*. Modulation of gas sensing properties of chitin-based carbon fibers and Fe3O4/carbon fibers by controlling carbonization temperature. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 363 (2023) 114760. |
[40] Weiyu Zhang, Shiwei Liu, Qihua Sun*, Ning Tian*, Zhaofeng Wu*. Synthesis of covalent organic framework materials and their application in the field of sensing. Nano Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-023-6027-x. |
[39] Zhangjie Qin, Zhaofeng Wu*, Qihua Sun*, Jun Sun, Min Zhang, Fengjuan Chen, Dongzhi Zhang, Changwu Lv*, Haiming Duan. Dog nose-inspired high-performance ammonia sensor based on biochar/SnO2 composite. Carbon, 2023, 213, 118297. |
[38] Zhang Jinzhu; Zhang Min*; Wang Shuying; Wu Zhaofeng*; Zhang Ze. Moisture-Resistant and Highly Selective NH3 Sensor Based on CdS/WS2 Composite Heterojunction. Langmuir, 2023, DOI10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00465. |
[37] Zhai Xinwang; Wu Zhaofeng*; Sun Qihua*; Sun Jun; Tursun Rabigu; Zhang Min; Duan Haiming; Zhang Dongzhi*. Fe2O3 Nanorod/Bacterial Cellulose Carbon Nanofiber Composites for Enhanced Acetone Sensing. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6 ,13, 12168-12176. |
[36] Xie Jierong; Wu Zhaofeng*; Sun Jun; Lv Changwu*; Sun Qihua. Green Synthesis of Carbon Quantum dots Derived from Lycium barbarum for Effective Fluorescence Detection of Cr (VI) Sensing. Journal of Fluorescence, 2023, DOI10.1007/s10895-023-03300-5. |
[35] Zhai Xinwang; Wu Zhaofeng*; Sun Qihua; Sun Jun; Chen Fengjuan; Zhang Min; Duan Haiming*. Bioinspired Bacterial Cellulose Carbon Nanofibers/AgO Composite for Sensitive and Selective Detection of H2O2 Vapor at Room Temperature. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2023, 52, 8, 5377-5387. |
[34] Zhang, Yuzhi; Wu, Zhaofeng*; Sun, Jun*; Sun Qihua; Chen Fengjuan; Zhang Min; Duan Haiming. Synthesis and Sensing Performance of Chitin Fiber/MoS2 Composites. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 9. |
[33] Zhangjie Qin, Zhaofeng Wu*, Qihua Sun, Jun Sun, Min Zhang, Talgar Shaymurat, Changwu Lv*, Haiming Duan*. Biomimetic Gas Sensor Derived from Disposable Bamboo Chopsticks for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 462, 142203. |
[32] Lixiang Liu, Zhaofeng Wu*, Qihua Sun, Min Zhang and Haiming Duan. Preparation of Carbon Material Derived from Walnut Shell and Its Gas‑Sensing Properties. Journal of Electronic Materials 2023, 1-11. |
2022年 |
[31] Zhaofeng Wu, Yidan Xia, Lixiang Liu, Qihua Sun, Jun Sun, Furu Zhong, Min Zhang,* and Haiming Duan. Preparation and Gas Sensing Properties of Hair-Based Carbon Sheets. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3512. |
[30] Tongzhou Xu, Zhaofeng Wu*, Changwu Lv, Rabigul Tursun, Zhangjie Qin, Biao Meng,* Talgar Shaymurat, Min Zhang*. Chemiresistive NH3 sensor of cotton-stalk-based carbon@MoS2 composites promoted by heterojunction. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2022, 22(21), 20177-20185. |
[29] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu,* Zhangjie Qin, Xuan Chen, Chuanchuan Zhang, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan* and Jun Zhang*. A dog nose-inspired high-performance NH3 gas sensor of biomass carbon materials with a pleated structure derived from rose tea. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022,10, 14326-14335. |
[28] Zhaofeng Wu, Min Zhang*, Shuai Cao, Long Wang, Zhangjie Qin, Furu Zhong, Haiming Duan*. Flexible all-biomass gas sensor based on doped carbon quantum dots/nonwoven cotton with discriminative function. Cellulose, 2022 29,5817–5832. |
[27] Yidan Xia, Zhaofeng Wu*, Zhangjie Qin, Fengjuan Chen, Changwu Lv, Min Zhang, Talgar Shaymuratand Haiming Duan. Wool-Based Carbon Fiber/MoS2 Composite Prepared by Low-Temperature Catalytic Hydrothermal Method and Its Application in the Field of Gas Sensors. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12,7,1105. |
[26] Q. Y. Wang, Z. F. Wu*, M. Zhang, Z. J. Qin, L. Wang, F. R. Zhong, H. M. Duan. Gas-Sensing Properties and Preparation of Waste Mask Fibers/ZnS Composites. J. Electron. Mater., 2022,51,7,3843-3850. |
[25] Xingwen Yang, Zhaofeng Wu*, Zhangjie Qin, Fengjuan Chen, Changwu Lv, Min Zhang,* Furu Zhong, Talgar Shaymurat, Haiming Duan*. Highly selective and sensitive phenol sensor based on cattail carbon fibre operating at room temperature. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2022,341,113593. |
[24] Jun Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Ming-Hsien Lee, Haiming Duan. A Theoretical Perspective to Study the Optical Properties of Tetrafluoroborates. ChemPhysChem., 2022, 23(15):e202200205. |
2021年 |
[23] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Biaobing Cao, Xuan Chen, Chuanchuan Zhang, Talgar Shaymurat, Haiming Duan*, Jun Zhang*,Min Zhang*. Gas sensing performance of biomass carbon materials promoted by nitrogen doping and p-n junction. Applied Surface Science, 2021,592,153254. |
[22] Min Zhang, Zhenjiang Li, Yunfei Zhao, Zhaofeng Wu*, Jun Zhang*, Linyu Yang, Shuying Wang and Shiqing Li. Solar-Blind Photodetector Based on NaTaO3/TiO2 Composite Film with Enhanced Photoelectric Performance. Coatings., 2021, 11, 1178. |
[21] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Min Zhang, Zhangjie Qin, Shuai Cao, Furu Zhong, Shasha Li, Hai Ming Duan, * Jun Zhang*. Improved Gas-Sensitive Properties by a Heterojunction of Hollow Porous Carbon Microtubes Derived from Sycamore Fibers. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 43, 14345-14352. |
[20] Zhaofeng Wu,* Shuai Cao, Qihua Sun, Furu Zhong, Min Zhang,* Haiming Duan*. Mechanical, thermal and gas sensing properties of flexible multi-walled carbon nanotubes/waterborne polyurethane composite film. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 216, 109040. |
[19] Shuai Cao, Zhaofeng Wu*, Qihua Sun, Weiyu Zhang, Sadeh Beysen, Shuying Wang, Talgar Shaymurat, Min Zhang*, Haiming Duan*. Gas sensing properties of cotton-based carbon fibers and ZnO/carbon fibers regulated by changing carbonization temperatu,Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 2021,337,129818. |
2020年 |
[18] Aerzigu Xukeer, Zhaofeng Wu,* Qihua Sun, Furu Zhong, Min Zhang, Mengqiu Long* and Haiming Duan*, Enhanced gas sensing performance of perovskiteYFe1-xMnxO3 by doping manganese ions, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 30428. |
[17] Weiyu Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Zhaofeng Wu*, Karimay Abdurahman, Yali Cao, Haiming Duan,* Dianzeng Jia. Mechanical, electromagnetic shielding and gas sensing properties of flexible cotton fiber/polyaniline composites. Compos Sci Technol., 2020,188,107966. |
[16] Weiyu Zhang, Zhaofeng Wu*, Jindou Hu, Yali Cao, Jixi Guo, Mengqiu Long, Haiming Duan*, Dianzeng Jia. Flexible chemiresistive sensor of polyaniline coated filter paper prepared by spraying for fast and non-contact detection of nitroaromatic explosives. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2020,304,127233. |
[15] Weiyu Zhang, Shuai Cao, ZhaofengWu*, Min Zhang, YaliCao, Jixi Guo, FuruZhong, HaimingDuan,* DianzengJia*. High-Performance Gas Sensor of Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube Composites Promoted by Interface Engineering,Sensors., 2020, 20, 149. |
2019年 |
[14] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Yali Cao, Jixi Guo, Mengqiu Long, Haiming Duan*, Dianzeng Jia*. Chemiresistive Sensor Arrays based on Noncovalently Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Ozone Detection. Sensors & Actuators:B. Chemical, 2019, 297, 126689. |
[13] Chuanchuan Zhang, Haiming Duan, Xin Lv, BiaobingCao, AblatAbliz, ZhaofengWu* & Mengqiu Long*. Static and dynamical isomerization of Cu38 cluster. Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 7564. |
[12] Qihua Sun, Zhaofeng Wu*, Haiming Duan* and Dianzeng Jia*. Detection of Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) Precursors with an Array of Sensors Based on MoS2/RGO Composites. Sensors 2019, 19, 1281. |
2018年 |
[11] Linna Shao, Zhaofeng Wu*, Haiming Duan*, Talgar Shaymurat. Discriminative and rapid detection of ozone realized by sensor array of Zn2+ doping tailored MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets. Sensor & Actuat: B. Chem, 2018, 258, 937–946. |
2017年 |
[10] Zhaofeng Wu, Haiming Duan, Zhijun Li*, Jixi Guo, Furu Zhong, Yali Cao*, Dianzeng Jia*. Multichannel Discriminative Detection of Explosive Vapors with an Array of Nanofibrous Membranes Loaded with Quantum Dots. Sensors, 2017, 17, 2676. |
2016年 |
[9] Zhaofeng Wu, Chaoyu Zhou, Baiyi Zu, Yushu Li, and Xincun Dou*. Contactless and Rapid Discrimination of Improvised Explosives Realized by Mn2+ Doping Tailored ZnS Nanocrystals. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 4578–4586. |
[8] Chaoyu Zhou, Zhaofeng Wu (Co-first author), Yanan Guo, Yushu Li, Hongyu Cao, Xuefang Zheng and Xincun Dou*. Ultrasensitive, Real-time and Discriminative Detection of Improvised Explosives by Chemiresistive Thin-film Sensory Array of Mn2+ Tailored Hierarchical ZnS. Sci. Rep., 2016, 6, 25588. |
2015年 |
[7] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Meng Xue, Xingyou Tian*, Haifeng Zhou, Xianzhu Ye, Kang Zheng, Zhongyue Cui. Preparation of carbon nanotubes/waterborne polyurethane composites with the emulsion particles assisted dispersion of carbon nanotubes. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2015, 114 :50-56. |
2014年 |
[6] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Ping Cui, Xin Ding, Xianzhu Ye. Facile preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces with enhanced releasing negative air ions by a simple spraying method. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2014, (94):111-116. |
[5] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Ping Cui, Xin Ding, Xianzhu Ye. The effects of polydimethylsiloxane on transparent and hydrophobic waterborne polyurethane coatings containing polydimethylsiloxane. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16: 6787-6794. |
[4] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Haifeng Zhou, Xianzhu Ye. Fabrication and Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Styrene-EthyleneButylene- Styrene Composites via a Sequential Process of (Electrostatic Adsorption Aided Dispersion)-Plus-(Melt Mixing). J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131, 40227. |
2013年 |
[3] Zhaofeng Wu, Meng Xue, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Kang Zheng, Ping Cui. Electrical and flame-retardant properties of carbon nanotube/poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites containing bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate).Polymer.,2013,54,13,3334-3340 |
[2] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Xingyou Tian*, Xin Ding, Meng Xue, Haifeng Zhou, Kang Zheng. Mechanical and flame-retardant properties of styrene-ethylene -butylene-styrene/carbon nanotube composites containing bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate). Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013, 82, 8-14. |
2012年 |
[1] Zhaofeng Wu, Hua Wang, Kang Zheng, Meng Xue, Ping Cui, Xingyou Tian* Incorporating Strong Polarity Minerals of Tourmaline with Carbon Nanotubes to Improve the Electrical and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 23, 12814–12818. |
获奖 |
2023年,永利集团2023年课程思政教学竞赛一等奖; |
2023年,第三届全国高校教师教学创新大赛自治区决赛二等奖; |
2023年,新疆维吾尔自治区第三届高校青年教师教学竞赛理科组三等奖; |
2023年,永利集团第二届教师创新大赛一等奖; |
2022年,新疆维吾尔自治区首届乡村振兴大赛优秀指导教师; |
2022年,第二届全国高校教师教学创新大赛自治区决赛二等奖; |
2022年,第二届永利集团教师教学创新大赛二等奖; |
2022年,第三届永利集团青年教师讲课比赛二等奖; |
2021年,新疆维吾尔自治区优秀创新创业导师; |
2021年,永利集团优秀研究生导师; |
2021年,全国基础物理类青年教师讲课比赛,西北赛区一等奖; |
2021年,永利集团优秀研究生导师; |
2020年,永利集团优秀青年教师光华奖; |
2020年,永利集团本科优秀毕业论文指导教师; |
2020年,永利集团优秀班主任,永利集团青年教师讲课比赛二等奖; |
2020年,全国基础物理类青年教师讲课比赛新疆区一等奖; |
2017年,第十五届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀论文三等奖; |
2014年,获中国科学院经理优秀奖和中国科学院大学优秀毕业生; |
2013年,中国科学院大学博士研究生国家奖学金和三好员工标兵等荣誉。 |