报告题目: Statistical mechanics and
fluorescenceimaging analysis for singlemolecule/cell biophysics under
nanoscale confinement
报告人: 周家复教授 (台湾台北中央研究院物理研究所)
时间: 2016年4月13日(星期三),下午17:00
地点: 物理楼510会议室
报告简介: Prof. Chou has over 100 scientific publications and
5issued and several pending US patents. Since 2013, he has been serving on
theEditorial Board of the AIP Journal Biomicrofluidics. In 2014,
hechaired the 5th International conference of Advances
ofMicrofluidics and Nanofluidics (AMN2014) held in Taipei and serves as a
guesteditor of the special issue of Biomicrofluidics for AMN2014.His
research on nanoscale molecular dam (JACS Spotlight) and single
DNAmolecule tug-of-war (Nature Research Highlight) were selected as
2013Academia Sinica Significant Research Achievements and he was awarded the
2013Outstanding Research Award (3 awarded nationwide in the Physics Division)
fromthe Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.